Provide clarity to your customers and think carefully about who you really want and can help.
What do you promise your customer?
During the sales process, your customer forms an image in his head about how you are going to solve his problem. If you deliver what you promised in the eyes of this customer, he or she will be satisfied and may tell other people with the same problem.
If you deliver what you promised in your own eyes, but you have not solved the customer's problem or you have done your job in a way that is perceived as unpleasant by your customer, that is what your customer will tell other people. Only this time it won't bring you any customers.
The main reason why customers are sometimes not satisfied
We often forget how much we know about our own expertise and it's hard to understand how your client sees things, but that's exactly what you need to find out before you sell them anything. It's not about what you think, it's about what your client thinks.
That's why it's really important to think about which clients you want to work for, which ones you can best serve and which ones would be better off with another solution that isn't yours. This way you not only keep your customers happy, but also yourself!
How can you better filter your customers?
The best way to filter your customers is to let them filter themselves. Tell them what you do, how it works, what kind of people your solutions are for, what they get, show them previous cases or references and show them the corresponding prices.
Doesn't that scare a lot of people? Of course it does! That's exactly what you want. Don't waste your time on people who don't suit you well. Not only does that make them unhappy, but it also affects you and also your good clients.
Improve your story and build a like-minded audience
Think of yourself as a teacher instead of a marketer. Be the best teacher for a person like yourself.The teacher you would have liked to have.
One of the reasons we get unsatisfied customers is because we don't sell them what they want. Another reason we get unsatisfied customers is because we sell them what they want. As you probably already knew, and the reason you're trying to sell something they don't want to buy is because what they think they want doesn't solve their problems.
Here is the teacher's part. Find out what they know and take them on their way to where they understand they need your product or service to get what they really want. Now your product or service is what they want and what they need.
Seth Godin, the godfather of modern marketing said, "People like us, do things like this."The teacher you would have liked to have.
One of the reasons we get unsatisfied customers is because we don't sell them what they want. Another reason we get unsatisfied customers is because we sell them what they want. As you probably already knew, and the reason you're trying to sell something they don't want to buy is because what they think they want doesn't solve their problems.
Here is the teacher's part. Find out what they know and take them on their way to where they understand they need your product or service to get what they really want. Now your product or service is what they want and what they need.
Seth Godin, the godfather of modern marketing said, "People like us, do things like this. I think that's exactly how you should approach it and that's also the way you build a like-minded audience.
I write my blogs to help people like me, to understand things the way I understand them and to help them find the right way to solve their challenges that I have the knowledge about.
The best way to make more money
Pricing of your products
Depending on your target group and the product or service you sell, you have to decide which price fits best. People like to pay more money when the perceived value is greater.
A Rolex buyer does not want Rolex watches to become cheaper. The fact that it is expensive and that it has the perceived value of being better is the reason they bought it in the first place.
The other side of the spectrum are the people who are always looking for ways to get something cheaper. Unless your strategy is to be the cheapest and sell in bulk, this is usually not the way to earn more.
Prices of your services
To make more money, when providing services or working as a freelancer, there is a point where you can't work more than you already do, you can only attract better clients who want to pay more.
Tip: You can also earn more by saving time by having your clients send other people to you instead of looking for them yourself.
To get better clients, ask yourself: who can I be the best teacher for and who wants to listen to me so I can tell them what they need to hear? Find out and work for them!
Just like people who make other choices about a watch, a car, clothing or any other product, there is an audience that feels better and benefits more from buying higher rated services than the cheapest. It is up to you to show the value and benefits to the right people.
Develop yourself and get better every day
Make a promise of what you can deliver right now, even if it's not the best you can do, and keep that promise. Don't wait until you are perfect to tell the world. There is always someone who needs to hear your message now.
Talk to people who want to listen. Try not to talk to people who don't want to hear what you have to say. Don't bring the wrong audience to your show. When you get better, so will your clients and you will attract more like-minded clients like them.
You have to think big, but start small. By finding the right people and doing your job well, and growing a bit every day, you'll make sure your clients are happy to pay and you'll grow faster than you expect.
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